Technical requirements for access network - multi - service access node 接入网技术要求?综合接入系统
Zte ' s multi - service access equipment has been widely applied around the world with 38 million lines in total 中兴通讯已在全球部署综合接入产品超过3800万线。
The download rate of gpon is 2 . 4gbps and upload rate is 1 . 25gbps , which can meet the requirement of multi - service access network Gpon最高可以提供2 . 5gbps的下行带宽和1 . 25gbps的上行带宽,可以满足多种业务的接入需求。
G . shdsl dsu is a tdm mode , ram line code based cpe designed to be interoperable with the existing and future dslam or multi - service access system in the market Shdsldsu是基于tdm模式和pam线路编码的用户端设备,可与市场上现有和将来的dslam或多服务接入系统互通。
Atm network interface of embedded multi - service access server is researched and designed in this paper . as a result , the key technologies of making the data from serial interfaces , ethernet interfaces and e1 interfaces access to atm network are figured out 本文研究设计了嵌入式多业务接入服务器的atm网络接口,解决了串口、以太、 e1等业务接口数据统一接入到atm网络的关键技术。
Atm network gradually becomes the uniform transmission platform of power communications network in power system . on account of particularity of power production , there are kinds of services such as videos , voices and data that are needed a uniform platform to access the power network . thinking about such a case , the project to develop and study the multi - service access server is brought forth 在电力系统中atm网络正逐渐成为电力通信网的统一传送平台,同时由于电力生产的特殊性,话音、数据等多种业务需要用一个统一平台来接入网络,因此提出了研究开发多业务接入服务器这一课题。